Category: celebration
One Dream Closer
Friends, First, I must apologize for such a long absence–not that I am disillusioned that my silence affected your life, but it did mine, I miss writing. Regardless, let’s play catch up. The last three years has been consumed with pursuing a dream: the law. My passion for the law began long before my passion…
Resolution Rehash
New year resolutions always get me thinking. Mainly because they are usually the same…rather it is to lose weight, keep better records or stay in touch, they are a dime a dozen and stick like Velcro on a potato. December is a month spent riding on the pretense that in January “things are changing.” The…
Another Typical "Oh Crap" Christmas
I shouldn’t be surprised that there was another “blog worthy” incident this Christmas, and it is only the 19th. Late getting a Christmas tree in our little town in North Carolina, a good ole boy (well he had one foot in the grave, the other in a cast and apparently left his teeth by the…
Pumpkin Pancake Recipe
After posting on Facebook that I was so blessed to have such a great friends and pumpkin pancakes to get me through tough times, I had requests for the recipe…so here it is! These are great! They also travel well for a snack during class (or 4.5hr finals!), after workout, during Christmas shopping! So don’t…
Happy Birthday America
July 4th is my favorite holiday! It is the holiday with the least pressure and still holds so much meaning. Now, when i say July 4th is my favorite holiday, I am referring to the reaction it has on people….Christmas and Easter significance by far out weights that of July 4th for me, but people…