Looking to lose weight?
Tired of over dosing on diet pills?
The solution seems easy: cut calories and lose the weight.
However, it sounds way easier than it is. Every part of you is in to the idea except your stomach.
Researchers say that the reason your stomach protests, and you feel like you can eat everything in sight is because when you diet too hard your body goes on the offense. In doing so, it pumps out more of the hunger hormone ghrelin to remind you that you need to eat (in case you just forgot that your body needs food to survive). However, just because you have an internal alarm system, doesn’t mean that you can’t beat it and lose weight in a healthy manner.
Lean protein has been in the spot light for a long time now and for a good reason. Protein keeps you fuller, longer than other nutrients, partly because it takes your body longer to digest and absorb the nutrients.
Working out doesn’t just help to burn calories. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology found that 60 minutes of high-intensity cardio can reduce your appetite for up to two hours afterward.
“Aerobic exercise lowers ghrelin levels and increases the amount of an appetite-suppressing hormone in your body,” says study author David Stensel, Ph.D.
To get the most out of this insert HIIT (high intensity interval training) or plyometrics into your cardio workout; that is do short bursts of speed with periods of rest in between.
Another way too keep your calories in check is to make sure you are getting in enough fats. Too often people cut out all the fat from their diet, but that can backfire. Oleic acid, an unsaturated fat found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados, helps keep hunger at bay, according to a study in the journal Cell Metabolism. When you have Oleic acid in your diet, it’s converted into a substance that can trick your body into thinking it isn’t hungry anymore. However, don’t go crazy! Unsaturated fats should only make up about 20 percent of your total calorie intake. Incorporating about two tablespoons of natural peanut butter, an ounce of nuts, or a quarter of an avocado into your daily diet will help.