Today I wake up 30-years-old. Not too long ago I professed that I wasn’t going to turn 30 easily. As my birthday came closer, I resolved that there was nothing left to do in my 20’s. So many people have told me repeatedly that the 30’s is the best decade. I was told that the mistakes of the 20’s are countered with wisdom and confidence in the 30’s. I think I agree. My 20’s were full of foolish mistakes and wavering dedication. My 30’s are beginning with the knowledge that I will not succeed at everything; I will fail at most things. But, I will learn what is important and worth my time and energy, and those things, I will get back up and try again and again until I perfect them.
My mom read me a quote from a book she is reading, “…beginnings are often disguised as horrible endings…” How many times has something ended in my life that I thought was devastating only to look back years later and see how God’s plan was better than my prayer?
Tomorrow I will wake up knowing that nothing will take away the trials of life, but I will be more ready to meet them with the willingness and hunger of someone with dream.