Original Post: 8-18-2009
Well another show has come and gone. The Dallas Europa was a blast. It always is!! I was surrounded off stage by friends and loved ones, and I was honored to compete on stage with Olympia champions! My physique is coming up in placings, but I still have routine work to do before I am the package the judges want to see.
However, I had more compliments on my progression than a girl could ask for from top figures in the industry. I am moving in the right direction, I just wish it were with more horsepower 🙂 Haha, but I am back and ready to work even harder. I want to be better so I will train to be better. It is my second year in the Pro ranks and I have so many to go! My dream was not to become a Pro. My dream is to become an Olympian!
Thank you for taking the journey with me! Your support is so important and gets me out there even when I am having an ‘off’ day!